Since 1990
Full range of advising services
Since 1990
Full range of advising services
Employment department
Advice on employment relations and on formalities related to the company's relationship with the administration...
Fiscal department
Our professionals plan and monitor the correct performance of legal duties, as well as carry out the representation...
Accounting department
The main activity of this department is a complete accounting service, that is, the advice and monitoring until the annual closing...
Business department
This department studies every type of company formation and registration, as well as business contracts...
Departament Jurídic
Prepare to defend the our clients interests.
Insurance department
We manage the risks coverage to the employer or to the individual, and we advise our clients about...
Management department
The link to join all the Firm departments. Representation in front of the official organizations or other entities is required...
Do you need more information?
Assessoria Parellada
Since 1990, Assessoria Parellada, s.l. provides full range of advising services to companies and individuals.
These are our departments: fiscal, accounting, business, employment, insurances and management.
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